2007年6月4日 星期一

Portfolios on English Course

Portfolios on English CourseName: Mike & Erzen No.:98008.98011Department: Mechanics Class:98-3
ContentsI. PrefaceII. Introduction on myselfIII. Reading: Studio Classroom/ BlogIV. Listening: ALC PT/ CALLV. Writing: BloggerVI. Speaking: A Psalm of Life/ PortfolioVII. Conclusion
ThoughtUnderstand more methods which learn English.We have to make us to learn how to distribute our time.Teacher always make fun on class.

ActivitiesListening to the ALCPT.Review to have a class a content .Listening to the studio classroom.Dry run homework .Test on class.Have a class with concentration a writing a practice
EncouragePractice to listen to much power .Continue touching with English.In the future good communication tool .Continuing listen to the studio classroom or another kind of listening magazines.

Introduction(98008)I am 22 years old.I always do my best for anything.I always feel happy in my mind.I hope myself can fly in the sky.I am studying in ROC air academy school.

Introduction(98011)I am 20 years old.I am studying in ROC air academy school.I am a happy boy.I always feel happy in my mind.Never say die.

Studio ClassroomBesides these advantages are impportant to us: do you describe move benefits from terrific trees?Trees' shade can provide us a place to relax.Which natural diaster do you think causes the most harm? Why?Earthquake. Make the building crach. the mountain mocve, electric stop...

Studio ClassroomHave you ever seen any fascinating or famous trees? If so, describe them.Yes, the trees of O li mountain.Which one of these facts about trees is the most interesting to you? Why?

Studio ClassroomTree reduce yearly heating and cooling coats by 2.1 billion dollars in the U.S. Trees provide wind protection and shade. One shade tree can keep abuilding up to 20 degerees cooler in the summer!Because of trees, the earh can keep the temerature. If we lost it, we may die now.

15 R

13. What is a pharmacist? pharmacist藥劑師: chemist藥劑師.化學專家 druggist藥劑師 dentist牙科醫師
14. The instructor talked to Nancy about her conduct. What did the instructor talk about? conduct行為.品德: behavior行為 conduction傳導 conductive導電的 conductivity傳導性
15. The boss arrived at exactly three o’clock. When did he arrive? exactly正好: exactitude極端的正確性 exactly完全正確的


R27. Often while visiting another country, a person is not sure how to act when eating. What is meant by the expression “how to act” in this sentence? conduct行為.品德: behavior行為 conduction傳導 conductive導電的 conductivity傳導性
28. Did you find out what caused his illness? illness疾病.病患的: ailment疾病.小病 sickness疾病.患病 health健康: physique健康 fitness健康 healthy健康
29. Mr. Maxwell said: “This wind feels just like a knife.” What kind of wind was it? knife刀 blunt鈍: bluntly坦率地

A Psalm of Life(98008)

It’s difficult to do with other people; we should cherish people in our life. For little things to make mad with other people, after that, it is emptiness when we think coming back. According the “a psalm of life” the life is just like a play. Because of feeling of affinity, we have the reason to get together.It tell us not to getting mad easily. And we should kind to every one in my life.When other people was mad, at the time we have to keep silence. It’s easy to get sick when we mad.

A Psalm of Life(98011)

We should use our ability of community to get together with other people. By using the ability of planning, we can plan every difficult things when we face to. We should use our ability of cleaning, by using this, we can cleaning our environment in my living place. Because of the song "A Psalm Of life" Know how to create my beautiful life. The song point ot a honest attitude to face human life as well as tell everybody to be a useful pepple. I want my future I can be a under useful.


A sound mind in a sound body. 健全的頭腦寓於健全的身體 No news is good news. 沒消息就是好消息 Every man is architect of his own fortume. 每個人都是自己命運的建築師 By reading,thepoor will become rich,and the rich noble. 貧者因書而富,富者因書而貴 A smile is the most wonderful way to improve your looks. 微笑是美容的最佳處方


A good book is a good friend. 好書如摯友 Quitters never win.Winners never quit. 半途而廢者必敗,鍥而不捨者必成 Every man has his taste. 人各有所好 Knowledge is poper. 知識就是力量 A book,tight shut is but a black of paper. 塵封的書只是一疊廢紙


Let’s enjoy the English class.THE END

Portfolios on English Course

2007年5月28日 星期一

Effect of Technology

Effect of Technology

Science and technology of the modern age provides the mankind with the abundance comfortable life.The pollution of the environment that science and technology brings, endanger the mankind's health and existence on the contrary, overcome the problem that the pollution of the environment becomes science and technology importance.Pollute source

The water pollution source includes natural pollution source and the pollution source of factitiousness.The natural pollution source points town rain-storm generally to flow to wait for directly;The artificial pollution source then comes from the exudation water etc. of industrial waste water, livestock husbandry waste water.

Take good care of environment good care the Earth, environmental protection, should start to start in from the economy energy first, because of be we turn on lamp each time, opening a computer, turning on television, or driving, would release a lot of carbon dioxides and, carbon dioxide meeting endothermic, this is exactly?The source of room effect, again because the mankind chop down forest continuously, with cultivate a land excessively, on the earth, heel originally not enough green plant to carry out photosynthesis, make oxygen so we should want various trees, plants, flower and grass, economize the energy, electricity, water that the everyone faces, don't using a computer, don't throw garbage in disorder with the hand, see garbage with pick up, use the plastic bag less and don't need to wash a cutlery to go out a dining, self-provided bowl chopsticks, don't take away great universe to move.Plant.Thing, with do a good sort work!

Composition I
Assignment Name
Effects of Technology
Category of Prompt
Revision Number
Start Date
05/29/2007 10:00
Completion Date
05/29/2007 10:18
Total Time Spent on This Essay
17 Minutes 54 Seconds
4 4 3 3 4 4

2007年5月14日 星期一

Peration Smile

Peration Smile
1.Why was Operation Smile formed?Would you like to be a medical volunteer and help a child?

A:They saw children with cleft lips and cleft palates, and they used surgery to fix those children's fachesh. The Magees learned there were hundreds more children with similar problems. They couldn't possibly help them all, but they want to , so Operation Smile was born.

2.How do you think children's lives are being changed after they have surgery for cleft lips?

A:The completion of the surgical operation, let them have self-confidence in the life, let them have more handsome and beautiful face .

3.Which organization belonging to NPO in Taiwan?Can you learn from it and discribe your volunteering ambition?

A:Non-Profit Organization;Some widespread exist in our living whole organizationses, such as:Foundation's etc. of various public-spirited group, academic research organization, hospital, various type doesn't take making money(non-profit) as a purpose of organize, call it is "not-for-profit organization" or"the third section"(the third sector)I hope I can be a volunteer worker, doing the best to help the person whom any demand helps, let other lifes live more comfortable and more fine.

2007年5月7日 星期一

ALCPT 16R 13~18

13. What is a pharmacist?

pharmacist藥劑師: chemist藥劑師.化學專家

14. The instructor talked to Nancy about her conduct. What did the instructor talk about?

conduct行為.品德: behavior行為

15. The boss arrived at exactly three o’clock. When did he arrive?

exactly正好: exactitude極端的正確性

16. Often while visiting another country, a person is not sure how to act when eating. What is meant by the expression “how to act” in this sentence?

conduct行為.品德: behavior行為

17. Did you find out what caused his illness?

illness疾病.病患的: ailment疾病.小病

health健康: physique健康

18. Mr. Maxwell said: “This wind feels just like a knife.” What kind of wind was it?


blunt鈍: bluntly坦率地

2007年4月30日 星期一

The Art of My Life

"A Psalm of Life'' by henry W. Longfellow. The psalm have a sectence "Be a hero in the strife!". It deeply influences me. It tells us that don'tgive up and have toface life by positive attitude and do us best.
Once, I started planing my life program, altough completed layout, guided me through father, to the future layout, near distance, medium the distance, the long range object want to try for the best more. The ego reguests, wanting to be with more aggressive attitude to leavn hart. I re-program to own life, reading an own object gradually.
I have no very big persererance currently, isn't all positive to the attitude of the life. From now on theverse learn to, work feeling in furture have to careful.It still wantvery much better, aggressive, the optimstic enterprising attitude faces life, making the own life more exciting. If see every day of life become an art object that is chiseling and carving That what kind of will life type?Art object become an of own life imaginations a not yet finished, Every second in every day, A great art creations is modeling gradually with the accumulation of[with] the years experience, Why want to live in at that moment? Say simply, If we can experience personally the each penny in the life each, Real contented at at that moment, Matter wanted to do, Should do right away, Do very at that moment of matter, Realize to feel at that moment, Work hard to live, This is the life that I want.

Terrific Trees:Nature's Treasures

Terrific Trees: Nature's Treasures
1.Q:Which one of these facts about trees is the most interesting to you? Why?
A:I can provide for: the annual rings of the tree relevant in former days the ecosystem environment affairs really slices information, including the weather disaster to change with the natural calamity.The mankind appear at on the earth however millions year, have history about only have several thousand years, so the annual rings can provide us do not record to of history information, let us prevent future disaster from changing.

2.Q:Have you ever seen any fascinating or famous trees? If so, describe them.
A:I think I didn't seen any fascinating or famous trees.

3.Q:Besides these advantages are important to us?Do you describe more benefites from terrific trees?
A:The root of the tree will hold tight soil, and the soil will absorb, keep humidity, so say forest it has the function of the self-restraint headwaters, he can make the water of the river not sudden rise after pouring rain, can also make consecution several days don't rain very much of the river isn't withered.And the animal lived because of forest of place, make ecosystem equilibrium.